Mobile applications developed on the evaluation version of mobile platform may be distributed for evaluation purposes or experimental usage only. 1C LLC does not require any payment before the release of the final version of this mobile platform if the number of distributed copies of developed mobile applications does not exceed 50. Distributing more copies requires a written permission from 1C LLC. The distribution conditions will be revised with the release of the final version of mobile platform.
During application development, changing only the following application resources is acceptable: application icons and logos. Changing any other application resources is prohibited.
License agreement for "1C:Enterprise 8.3"
This License Agreement governs the use of 1C:Enterprise 8 software (the
"Software") by an individual or legal entity ("Licensee"). The
person (entity) is considered as a Licensee if he or she has a lawfully
obtained and registered in 1C LLC copy of the Software accompanying with
Applied Solution (“Configuration”) and this License Agreement.
All copyrights for the Software (the software itself recorded on
computer media, separately supplied software updates and add-ins for the
software, as well as any accompanying documents in electronic or printed
form) are the subject of exclusive ownership of 1C LLC registered in
Moscow, Russian Federation.
By installing, copying or other using the Software Licensee agrees to the terms of the License Agreement.
Hereby 1C LLC grants to Licensee particular non-exclusive rights described below. Licensee has to keep this License Agreement safe as a document confirming the rights of Licensee to use the Software.
Licensee has the right to install and use the Software in accordance with the accompanying documentation and only at one computer at a time. The Software can be used in multi-user mode if provided with a Client License for corresponding number of workplaces and according to the terms of the Client License Agreement. The Software can be used in 'client-server' mode if provided with 1C:Enterprise 8 Server License Agreement.
Licensee enjoys the rights mentioned above only if he or she has a copy of the Applied Solution ("Configuration") lawfully obtained together with the Software, otherwise any right to install and use the Software are void.
Use of software or hardware "multiplexing" tools does not reduce the required number of Client Licenses to use 1C:Enterprise 8 at additional workplaces. The required number of Client Licenses should include any indirect connections made through "multiplexing" or other software or hardware which pools or aggregates connections.
The rights granted by this License Agreement can be transferred to another person or legal entity, provided that: (a) the Software distributive kit set that the primary Licensee possessed is unchanged; (b) the primary Licensee retains no copies, including backups and copies stored on a computer; and (c) the primary Licensee informs 1C LLC about such transfer of the rights.
Licensee is liable not to allow infringement of 1C LLC’s copyrights. In particular, do not do and do not allow third parties to do the following actions without a prior written permission from 1C LLC:
Distribute the Software or its parts (components), including (but not limiting to) distribution by providing access for third party to reproduced in any way Software, over network or by other ways.
Make any modifications in the Software code, with the exception of those made by standard tools which are part of the Software and described in the accompanying documentation.
Obtain an access to Software applied solutions’ information bases and build Software based systems using undocumented means and technological solutions.
Do any actions directed to removal or reduction of efficiency of copyright protection technical means used by 1C LLC, including (but not limiting to): use of software or hardware multiplexing tools; use of tools altering or circumventing operation algorithm of software and/or hardware tools for the Software protection; use the Software with removed or altered protection tools without a written permission from 1C LLC.
Reproduce of the source code, decompile and/or disassemble the Software with the exception of the cases and to the extent expressly permitted by existing legislation.
- This License Agreement is effective during all period of use of the Software by Licensee and/or during the period the Software belongs to Licensee.
Workstation licensing
The License grants access to Software from that number of computers, corresponding to the number of workplaces, which is specified at the title of this License Agreement. At that, Software is considered used and accessed at a computer in case the Software or its parts are loaded into computer memory, as well as a direct or indirect connection between a computer, a workstation, a handheld computer or other digital device and this computer is present.
The License is valid if all of the following conditions are met:
2.1. Licensee has one or more lawfully obtained and registered in 1C LLC copies of the Software accompanying with Configuration
2.2. The distribution kit(s) in question was used for installation of the Software at Licensee's computer(s), and
2.3. All additional workplaces which are arranged to get access to the Software according to this License are:
2.3.1. Computers with installed 1C:Enterprise 8 license files or dongles.
2.3.2. Computers connected to the same local area network (LAN), where 1C:Enterprise 8 dongles are installed.
2.3.3. Other computers without Software applied solutions’ information bases created but using remote access to Software applied solutions’ information bases installed on the computers described in 2.3.1 and 2.3.2 above.
The required number of Client licenses for connection sessions
with Software applied solutions’ information bases (in case of
running several user connection sessions on a single computer to
access databases):
3.1. If 1C:Enterprise 8 license file or dongle is installed on the computer or this computer is connected to LAN where 1C:Enterprise 8 dongles are installed, then one Client License is sufficient for all connection sessions with Software applied solutions’ information bases, running on this computer.
3.2. If 1C:Enterprise 8 license file or dongle is not installed on the computer
and this computer is not connected to LAN where 1C:Enterprise 8 dongles are installed, then every connection session with 1C:Enterprise 8 database requires an individual Client License.
"1C:Enterprise 8" server licensing
The "1C:Enterprise 8" Server is a server application (a computer program) of a special kind used for getting access to an information base in client-server operation mode. The "1C:Enterprise 8" Server constitutes a software interlayer between client applications of 1C:Enterprise 8 software system and a database server.
Licensee is granted to install and use the Software in accordance with the accompanying documentation and only at one computer-server.
If the cluster of servers is used on several computers, then an individual Server License is required for each computer where the Software will operate.
Use of the "1C:Enterprise 8" Server is considered legal if all of the following conditions are met:
3.1. Licensee has one or more lawfully obtained and registered in 1C LLC 1C:Enterprise 8 software kit including, among others, the Software distributive kit and a License Agreement granting the right to use the 1C:Enterprise 8 software system on one computer at a time.
3.2. The distributive kit in question is used for installation of the Software to one computer-server.
3.3. Licensee has Client Licenses to use 1C:Enterprise 8 software system at corresponding number of the workplaces which are arranged to have access to the Software services in question.
Base version licensing
The base version of "1C:Enterprise 8" (referred to hereinafter as the
"BASE VERSION") - is a delivery set of "1C:Enterprise 8", which among others
includes the "1C:Enterprise 8" platform and a special delivery of applied
solution (configurations).
The Licensee has the right to install and use the BASE VERSION, in
accordance with an accompanying documentation on a single workstation.
The usage of client licenses and a license of the "1C:Enterprise 8"
server with the BASE VERSION is not allowed. If it is required to use
the BASE VERSION on several workstations, then a separate copy of the
BASE VERSION should be obtained for each workstation.
To run and work with the BASE VERSION, the Licensee, depending on
the particular product, may require an "electronic license" to use the
BASE VERSION, which is ensuring its binding to one Licensee’s computer.
The hardware protection keys are not utilized in the BASE VERSION.
Training version licensing
The training version of "1C:Enterprise 8" (referred to hereinafter as
the "TRAINING VERSION") – is a delivery set of "1C:Enterprise 8", which
among others includes the special (training) version of "1C:Enterprise 8"
platform and one or several training applied solutions (configurations).
The Licensee has the right to install and use the TRAINING VERSION
on a single workstation. The usage of client licenses and a license
of the "1C:Enterprise 8" server with the TRAINING VERSION is not allowed.
If it is required to use the TRAINING VERSION on several workstations,
then a separate copy of the TRAINING VERSION should be obtained for
each workstation.
The hardware protection keys or "electronic licenses" are not applied
The TRAINING VERSION can not be used for an automation of running
businesses, organizations and institutions, as well as personal tasks.
The TRAINING VERSION can be used to develop feasible applied solutions
in accordance with documentation included within the delivery set of
this software product. Nevertheless, the business usage of developed
applied solutions can only be carried out on commercial versions of
"1C:Enterprise 8".